Tuesday, January 22, 2008

**Job Hunting**

I must have applied/sent resumes to 4,560,083 potential employers today.

I get so tired when I job hunt, seriously. Have you ever done it? It's hard.

I'm so stressed out in my life right now. My hair is falling out, I am nauseated 99.888888899999% of the time, and I cry whenever I get a second to myself.

See, I have a tough job. I have to have the utmost patience. I do the job of 4 full time employees, and make just a few dollars over minimum wage. My position in other companies pays 15.00+ an hour and that's for 1 job being done, not 4. It's sad, really.

I'm not pitying myself, though I would like to. It just makes me sad because this is my first "real" job and there is no acknowledgement or benefit to everything i've learned. I've worked hard. I trained myself, for the most part. I came to work with pneumonia for a week. Now tell me that's not dedication.

I just wish someone could see my potential and for god's sake, "Show Me The Money".

I'm a Survivor. At this point, that's all I can be.

I know that life's handed me some "downs", but that just means "ups" are right around the corner, right? I sure hope i'm handed a lot of "ups" in the next little while, because sometimes holding out feels unbearable.


Stand Up said...

jeez babe u poor thing u gotta take a nap or something!

i hate job hunting. it really is exhausting. i really hate wasting my gas and energy on professionalism on jobs i dont get. it sucks!

by the way i really take that quote to heart. thanks :)

how did you meet chad/ start talkin to him one month before u met him?

youre right tho. i shouldnt even think about him anymore if he is gonna make me feel like shit for not appreciating me..

that is a lot of kids...blah. why do u like kids? i cant stand them! ack! lol

Stand Up said...

lol. over like a dating website or something? well thats cool that it actually works! :)

thanks on the cafe...ill post another pic soon cause I updated it a lot. yep yep. Put it on presentation board and all that jazz..sometimes I dont know how I am gonna be an architect there is so much that goes with it...cause its like you wanna do your job, but you cant until you convince the customer they want the building the way ur gonna design it, so u gotta show them it, which means u gotta design it, theytell you what to change, you have to redesign it, present it all over again, and evetually FNIALLY work on the things that really matter...like construction design...there are presentation drawings (a friggen hassle I think...but customers never see things in our view) and then there are working drawings, which is what is used to build the stuff...and I always wish I could just skip presentation drawings cause they such...model making sucks...but I am just gonna have to deal with it the rest of my life pFT! oy. haha.

anyway..ya. I swear to God i am getting so iritated cause its like now randomlly Ill think aout AJ and get pissed off that I did and blah! My best friend Michelle warned me too...she was all worried cause for once in a lifetime I actually had a decent crush on the guy I was dating...see where that left me! GRR! ok Im done renting...

Carrie said...

Hi! Found you through Mellow Meanderings! Isn't internet travel fabulous?

Job hunting SUCKS, especially when you're so desperate to leave such an awful current situation. It seems like you keep sending out an SOS.. I mean resume, and nobody answers. Argh.