Monday, January 21, 2008

Shedding Some Light On Myself...

I hate feeling like i've failed. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach. I have it now. I feel like everything I say or do, is wrong.

I start to get nauseated. I worry all too much. I get restless thinking how is :this: going to blow up in my face? When really, why should I worry? People know who I am. They know I don't hide a ton from people. I'm an open person.

Well, i've learned a lesson. Sometimes, I speak before I think. It can hurt people and I need to not do that, because that's not the type of person I am.

I need to be more private.
I need to live a little more quietly.
I can't spill my heart everywhere.
When I have problems, I need to go to the person I have the problem with.

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