Monday, February 4, 2008


She Apologized.
I Couldn't Accept.
It Was Time To Say Goodbye.

I met this girl, we'll call her Kathy, through a friend of mine. We hit it off, became pretty close friends, and then she moved 300 miles away. I kept up with the friendship for a while. Kathy would always tell me that I wasn't a good friend because I never visited her. Visiting her wasn't the problem, money was.

She's lived there for almost 3 years now and i've seen her twice. If she ever needed a friend, i'd be here. She'd always text me and we'd talk about our lives, stresses, love and friendships.

One day last week, she sent me a text telling me her husband had thrown her into a wall three times and had bruised her kidney, liver and small intestine. Which, by the way, isn't really possible. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. So, I asked if she pressed charges on him. Her response was no. I said,"Well, that's your decision". I wasn't saying it to be rude, just trying to be supportive.

She pretty much just freaked out on me after that. Telling me i'm a horrible friend for not visiting her. She also said some very hurtful things about my boyfriend. I took it pretty well. Told her to stop her little pity party and such. Never once did I disrespect her or say anything hurtful.

Her last text: "All I did was tell u some info today i didn't complain or anything and you should talk suicide queen. Leave me alone unless u want a harassmfmt charge C*NT."

Now, i'm sorry, but that's so uncalled for.

Saturday night, I got a text saying "I'm sorry there are no excuses for my actions". She's right, there is no excuse. You just totally disrespected me, my boyfriend, and some of the other people I love, so i'm not sccepting an apology.

As far as I'm concerned, the friendship is dead. I hope Kathy has a great life, but it's not a life I want ANY part of.


Stand Up said...

YOU have been tagged!!!

that really sucks about your ex-friend. Reminds me when my *ex* best friend left me alone in colorado to drive home by myself and everything...blah. I hate when that stuff happens. You just put your heart on the line for some people and they jam mud and acid inbetween all of its cracks..

but cheer up cause...tag, you're it!

ashley said...

I don't like Kathy... Never really did from what I heard of her! Way to kick her to the curb :)